Sabre is designed to controls up to 252 moving lights and 1024 channels. 6 output ports may be assigned to DMX512 and/or proprietary protocols (Hi-End, S-Mix).
Sabre includes extensive moving-lights, channels and scroller management, extensive patching menus and up to date device library.
The enhanced editing, manipulation and operation features and interface, makes
Sabre into the perfect tool for any application - from live concert and onetime shows to musicals and theater -whenever extensive moving light control is needed Sabre is the answer.
Syncing the Sabre with other device is a breeze thanks to the varied protocols support.
MIDI In/Out/Thru, MIDI Show Control (MSC), SMPTE, DMX Input and more.
Sabre supports full connectivity with CompuCAD and WYSIWYG simulation software to enable full pre programming of your show completely off-stage, and generating powerful rendered images of your simulated stage and lighting.
The full Ethernet support of the Sabre allows users to distribute all DMX512 outputs, MIDI & MSC, remotely control the console, and display system screens.
This can be achieved using Compulite's range of Ethernet nodes -CompuLINK, VideoLINK, and E-Mix (Ethernet-DMX converter).
A full tracking Backup system is available to ensure failsafe operation under any circumstances.
• 1024 control channels for conventional fixtures, scrollers, and other DMX devices.
• 3072 channels on 6 output connectors for DMX512 and proprietary protocol.
• 8 banked wheels with LCD displays and quick parameter selection keys for parameters manipulation. Wheel Banks organize parameters under I/F/C/B model.
• Trackball for pan and tilt, with fine- tuning and axis-locking option.
• Joystick or second trackball for enhanced live pan/tilt control and/or Leader operation where all assigned fixtures follow a leading fixture movement precisely.
• 2 automatic dipless crossfaders with dedicated rate wheels or rate faders and synchronization option.
• 24 Controllers with Go/Hold keys, Bump buttons and LCD display can hold any assignment types, and operate in various modes including Joining for simultaneous operation.
• An extensive Soft Keys bank for direct access to Fixtures, Groups, Libraries, Palettes, Macros, Display setups and more.
• 2 inhibitive Submasters.
• Up to 100 Cue lists (Q-lists) containing more then 1000 memories each ranging between 0.1 and 999.9 and supporting Loops and Links between them.
• Memories can each be divided to up to 9 Parts, each containing any combination of channels, scrollers, and moving-lights with its own fade and wait time.
• Effect editor for creating complex movements in seconds and an extensive Bundled pre-programmed Effects package stored on the hard drive.
• 3 Libraries holding up to 99 entries each provides a tracking Database for focus points (Position Library), colors (Color Library) and beam states (Gobo Library).
• Palette database may hold up to 999 entries and provides a non-tracking library for any parameter value combination.
• Up to 99 Snaps provide snapshooting capabilities of the boards' playback state, Q-keys, and Submasters including assignments and running state.
• 999 Powerful Macros can be created to simulate any key sequence and triggered via soft-keys, memories, MIDI, SMPTE, DMX-in channels and more.
• Event for complex playback operations can be operated manually or programmed to be triggered by memories, by SMPTE time-code.
• Text tags may be added to any user data from libraries to show files via the optional Text Keyboard or using the soft-keys in Alpha (alphanumeric) mode. Multi-lingual keyboards are supported.
• Moving-Light Types (Devices) can be selected from an extensive library on the system's hard-drive or from user defined devices in the user pool. Devices may be edited from name to wheel-banks assignments including parameters behavior, default values (Home) and more.
• 2 display screens (optional 3rd display with optional touch-panel) featuring various live data, exam displays of any data, TOPO map of the stage for fast orientation, and much more.
• Internal SMPTE clock for triggering Memories, Events and Macros.
• Ethernet communication featuring full Remote Control of the console, DMX Distribution, Displays Distribution and Remote File Server.
• Full CAD support for CompuCAD and WYSIWYG including 3D simulation of the stage and spots parameters manipulation in real-time for both software.
• Integral Hard Drive featuring Autosave function for archiving shows. Archiving can be also done to the 3.5" Floppy disk or a Remote File Server on a PC computer via Compulite Ethernet File- Server software.
• MIDI - standard IN/OUT/THRU, MIDI Show control (MSC) and MIDI over Ethernet - all for interfacing and syncing with other MIDI controlled devices, Master/Slave operation of two consoles and/or Auto-focus Wysiwyg simulation software.
• Print directly to any parallel printer. Prints memory sheet, memory contents, Libraries, Macros, and more.
• 2 serial RS-232 ports for touch screen hookup and any serial RS-232 enabled device (standard PC) for triggering Macros, Snaps, and Events or for remote board operation.
• 1 DMX input connector for merging outer DMX512 source with the console- controlled channels and moving lights.
• 2 dimmable desklights.
• Full Tracking Backup support system to ensure failsafe operation under any circumstances.
Optional accessories
• Full Tracking Backup• Universal Wireless/Cable Remote
• Control (UWR/UCR)
• Macro Extension Keyboard
• Submaster Wing
• Ethernet - CompuLINK, VideoLINK,
• E-Mix, E-Mix2
• CompuCAD Online CAD package
• File Server PC software
• Net administrator PC software
• Touch Screen
• Alphanumeric text keyboard
• Parallel printer